Our lifestyle choice of traveling for 3 months or so at a time does sometimes stifle my creative flow sadly. At least I think its that - maybe it's just me lol. Either way it is good to get to grips with a new skill every so often and so last week found me sat with a lovely girl in Shrewsbury where she taught me the art of bookbinding. I've had my eye on this for a while and have 'saved' quite a number of Instagram posts on this very subject. However, for once, I have refrained from buying ANY equipment until I had tried it out with an experienced book binder. At this point I must introduce Naomi of Briar Rose Books . I contacted Naomi following a post of hers on Instagram/Facebook advertising a workshop that I really fancied but couldn't make the date. She didn't have any future dates planned at the time but did offer me a one to one session at her studio. Fast forward to earlier this week where I spent a fabulous 5 hours c...