A glimpse into my studio - Hello there! It's taken me a while but I've finally started work on my online presence to accompany my creative journey. To be honest this post is pretty much a place holder whilst I work on constructing the galleries and links to my online shop. For a while it will remain the top blog post and I'll update it as I go along. Hopefully when all the construction work is completed the blog posts will be used to reflect where I'm at creatively and share some of my experiences. I have started work on my online shop (hosted by Sum-Up) Eventually you'll find pages for cards, limited editions, originals and a full gallery listed at the top of my Home page. These will detail the art work that is available and will provide a link to that item in the shop. If you'd like to just go straight to the shop then please follow this link here . I've no idea how many folk I'm likely to reach but hopefully it will be fun finding out, and please...
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Thank you for getting in touch, it is appreciated Wendy x