A glimpse into my studio - Hello there! It's taken me a while but I've finally started work on my online presence to accompany my creative journey. To be honest this post is pretty much a place holder whilst I work on constructing the galleries and links to my online shop. For a while it will remain the top blog post and I'll update it as I go along. Hopefully when all the construction work is completed the blog posts will be used to reflect where I'm at creatively and share some of my experiences. I have started work on my online shop (hosted by Sum-Up) Eventually you'll find pages for cards, limited editions, originals and a full gallery listed at the top of my Home page. These will detail the art work that is available and will provide a link to that item in the shop. If you'd like to just go straight to the shop then please follow this link here . I've no idea how many folk I'm likely to reach but hopefully it will be fun finding out, and please...
Life can change in the blink of an eye- or in my case - in the last few seconds of a catch up call with my youngest daughter. There isn't a need for details here but long story short - We've upped and moved house back to the Midlands, we've sold the motorhome and are no longer part-time travellers. There, when it's said quickly it all sounds so simple. The impact upon this particular little slice of the internet is that I no longer have a studio and any work I do is definitely no longer done under the arms of a gorgeous old oak tree. However, as it took me soooooooooo very long to come up with a name for my little practise I've decided it can stay as is for now. Also for the time being my cards will continue to be stocked in Knighton and the plan is to look for additional outlets in my new locality. My mojo, however, is something else entirely. Actually that is probably better described as lack of mojo and having half my 'stuff' still packe...